Proven pioneers in our domain.

We combine years of operational experience with the latest in AI technologies to deliver a seamless and advanced, client experience. Our culture fosters collaboration, creativity, and the sharing of knowledge with the broader community in the common pursuit of improving drug and patient safety.

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AI in PV

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Safety Database Implementations and Service

Long history working exclusively with the Argus safety database including implementation, validation, and support for both small and large biopharma clients.

Signal Detection

Operational Support

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QPPV Office Services

Local and regional regulatory authorities are constantly updating safety information which requires reference safety data and labeling to be updated. This is time-consuming for a QPPV. iVigee has created a monitoring solution that performs these tasks.

QPPV - Qualified Person Responsible for Pharmacovigilance

QPPV Office Services

Local QPPV and Local PV Persons

A Revolutionary Regulatory Intelligence platform for Pharmacovigilance professionals

Knowledge management system offering a current view of PV requirements for 90+ countries. All kept up-to-date by a network of local experts, our team of PV professionals, and the community of iViReg users.

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  • What is pharmacovigilance and why is it important for Regulatory Intelligence?

    Pharmacovigilance (PV) ensures the safety of medicines by monitoring and assessing adverse drug reactions (ADRs) as well as other safety measures throughout the product lifecycle. This includes activities during clinical trials, marketing authorization, and post-authorization phases, covering risk management, periodic safety updates, signal detection, and regulatory compliance. Regulatory intelligence in PV helps organizations stay compliant with evolving requirements, enabling them to understand and implement national and global safety regulations effectively.

  • What are the stages of pharmacovigilance?

    Pharmacovigilance spans the entire lifecycle of a medicinal product, beginning with clinical trials, continuing through marketing authorization, and extending into post-authorization monitoring. Each stage involves safety data collection, risk assessment, and regulatory compliance to protect patient health.

  • Why is pharmacovigilance regulatory intelligence crucial for processing adverse drug reactions?

    PV regulatory intelligence ensures organizations involved in medicinal product development and safety remain informed about local ADR reporting requirements, including what must be reported, timelines, submission formats, and language specifications. This knowledge is essential for maintaining compliance with national and regional regulations.

digital data pathways

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