Lifecycle safety reporting.


clinical molecular focus
iVigeePSURs and DSURs

Essential benefit-risk profile reporting.

Aggregate Reports are a critical part of the ongoing monitoring of drug safety during the life cycle of a product, from development and beyond.

Report types and usage.

During clinical development, a Development Safety Update Report (DSUR) is required. During the post-marketing phase, and depending on the markets involved, other types of report may be required for the renewal of marketing authorisation including Periodic Safety Update Reports (PSURs), Periodic Benefit-Risk Evaluation Reports (PBRERs), Periodic Adverse Drug Experience Reports (PADERs), and Addendum to Clinical Overviews (ACOs).

These aggregate reports form a comprehensive, systematic, and periodic way of collection and synthesis of safety information. They have the same basic aims but are used at different points within the drug development and marketing life cycle.

A DSUR presents a comprehensive and critical analysis of the balance between the benefit and the risk to patients from the use of a medicinal product under development, considering the data from Clinical Trials.

A PSUR (or PBRER or PADER), provides a periodic evaluation of the benefit-risk profile of an authorised medicinal product and is submitted to regulatory authorities at predefined frequencies.

An ACO provides additional, updated information about a product's benefit-risk profile, including safety and efficacy, to support regulatory renewal process.

Aggregate reports follow strict international guidelines to ensure they provide a thorough and accurate reflection of a drug's safety and are typically undertaken by experienced Medical Writers. 

They are a key requirement in regulatory compliance, ensuring the ongoing assessment of a product’s benefit-risk profile from trials through to established marketed pharmaceuticals.

medical data safety review

Contact us about our PSUR and DSUR reporting services.

Whatever your Aggregate Reporting requirements, our experienced pharmacovigilance team can provide the solution.

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