

News, events, updates, and more.

Find out about the latest developments and changes happening at iVigee here.

New starter: Lucia Matejkinova

We're thrilled to announce that Lucia Matejkinova joined iVigee as our new QPPV Office Lead on March 1, 2024! She oversees the management of our QPPV office and serves as the EU QPPV for our clients.


April Regulatory Intelligence News!

Are you aware of the recent update from Swissmedic?


The results are in!

We asked about the maturity of your regulatory intelligence process


67th EPSA General Assembly

🌍 Exciting News! We're participating in the upcoming 67th EPSA (European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association) General Assembly today in Prague.


Pharmacovigilance Regulatory Intelligence Process

How mature is your regulatory intelligence process? 📶


News from Belgium in iViReg

iViReg leverages hundreds of local experts in 90+ countries to provide interpretations and impact assessments of regulatory changes.


Contact us about our technology and services.

Whatever your pharmacovigilance requirements, our world-leading technology platforms and globally experienced operational teams can provide the solution.

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